Melanie. Mike. Marriage. In May. It's all about the M's. And doesn't this first image scream 'M"? Clever, isn't it? C'mon, it was too easy not to do.
I've known these two for quite a while, and I'm so excited for both of them. Mike (a.k.a. "Hippie" - picture him with longer hair. Much longer. Nope, keep going. There ya go.) and I first met him through Dallas Sport and Social club way back in... well, let's just say way back, and we've been playing flag football together ever since. There were a few forgettable softball teams in there, too, but nothing hall-of-fame worthy. Then along came Mel a few years later, and now he's finally a changed man. Well, at least he's got shorter hair. And a couple of dogs. And I haven't seen him wear those black and white checkerboard clown shoes in a while. So seems like he's headed in the right direction. Thanks, Mel! [grin]
Oh yeah, and Hippie's my back pocket auto mechanic, too. Anytime I've got a car question - like "where's the dip stick thing at?" - he's first on the speed dial list. So if you've got a question, give him a ring... unless it's about battery acid.

Anyway, I digress. These two love sports, especially football. Hey, that's how they met, and that's how they got engaged... Hippie asked Mel the big question at a Texas/Kansas State game... hmmm, wonder if Mel would've said yes if KSU lost that game? So it was only natural that we ended up in a football stadium by the end of the session. He's a big University of Texas guy, and she went to Kansas State (bless your heart, Mel, for your loyal support and misguided belief that KSU will one day have a good football team). While neither of those football stadiums were available, SMU obviously isn't using their field during bowl season - one might argue they don't really use it
during the season either - so we snuck in [read: walked right in through an open gate] and had some fun before wrapping up my last session of 2007.

Enjoy the sneak peek of a few images. Click on the images for larger previews.

They turned out great! Thanks Matt! But just for the record, we got engaged in Manhattan at the KSU/UT game in 2006.
Love the angles of the shots. Very cute and funny one on the football field.
Yeah, sorry, Mel. I even knew it was Texas/KSU... no idea why I wrote Texas/OU. Guess that's what I get for blogging at 1:30 in the morning. Then again, your probably used to KSU gettting no love. [grin]
Being on OSU alumni and fan, I can relate.
Manhattan! great...yet another M to addto the list....LOL
Congratulations to the couple.
Matt...as always...wonderful job at the treatment and capture of these shots. I still wish you would do a video when you shoot so we could all learn from you...hint hint!!!!
To bad for Mel & Mike that they won't have such awesome wedding pictures to go with their awesome engagement pics to put on their mantel.
Nicolosi - Dude (have you seen the Bud Light commericials)......
I agree with wig's post that you need to start thinking about "branching out" into a few select wedding shoots here in there.... your talents is just WAY to good not to pursue this... when you need someone to hold the flash-thingy-majobber, than I totally am your man :)
- Schrode
good stuff - cold but worth it! gotta love the MeMoriables pix...
Awesome work {as always} Matt!
I love these.
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